We know YOU are the boss! We work for YOU.

Health/Life Insurance Quote
Since 1982 Billie (Bill) G. Houk, LUTCF, CFP* has been successful in providing insurance services and sound financial advice to his many clients. Bill is the founder of the BILL HOUK AGENCY, INC.(BHA) through which he and his staff assist clients with insurance, retirement and estate planning through various forms of investments and insurance. Through consistent effort and a reputation for integrity Bill has built a solid base of clients who now reside in many states and in other countries.
Bill, a "fellow" (LUTCF) with Life Underwriters Training Council, concentrates his business career in insurance and financial services for a clientele primarily of retirees, professionals and business/farm/ranch owners. As a professional in his chosen career Houk holds the CFP*(Certified Financial Planner) certification from the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. Licensed to practice in many states to serve his clients, he spends most of his time in his home state of Missouri.
Graduating from Central Missouri State University with a BA in 1970, Bill furthered his education with an Honorary Masters in Sales and Business Management at Times Mirror Corporation in 1971. He holds numerous insurance licenses, has served as president of his professional association, the Central Missouri Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors and as National Committeeman for this Association. He has served as State Chairman for Professional Development for the Missouri Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors.
Active in his community and his church for charitable causes, Bill is a frequent lecturer for both secular and religious groups and contends that "many times the donor has more after giving...than before giving!" He has served on the Board of the Annuity Committee for West Central Missouri Baptist Association and as Chairman of the Executive Board of Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis.
Bill served with Living Water International for training and drilling water wells. He traveled extensively with this organization to promote "Water and the Word." Drilling wells in Haiti, Guatemala, El Salvador and Hondorus has been the result of efforts of Living Water International and has occupied much of the charitable time Bill has to devote in thankfulness of the blessings he has experienced. Recently he has served in Southeast Asia.
Bill is married to Dawn (Walkup) and are the proud parents of John and wife Melissa (grandson Christian and granddaughters Amelia & Bristol) stationed with the United States Army, Amber and husband Brian (grandson Luke and granddaughters Esther and Lydia) of KC, MO. Amber is a school administrator and Brian has rental houses. Jared and wife Michelle (grandsons Caleb and Noah and granddaughters Anna Kate & Emma) that work in Southeast Asia, and Jaben, who is a counselor resides in Tacoma, WA.
Bill's hobbies include traveling and farming. Traveling across the nation to work with his clients and farming when he is home out with the guys after work. He enjoys working his cattle or running a machine on his time off.
Bill says "the office staff in Clinton on beautiful Truman Lake are professionals with backgrounds in claims management, banking, investing and insurance so that lets me get out with clients when they need me". And, "in my opinion we have the BEST clients in the world'."